Home of AKC & ASCA Champion Australian Shepherds in Twin Cities metro, Minnesota.
Passionately showing, raising, and preserving Australian Shepherds since 1997.
Recognized AKC Breeder of Merit.
Passion for the Breed
The Australian Shepherd has been my passion since my first Aussie in 1995. I have dedicated all the years since to preserving and protecting the Australian Shepherd.
My love and dedication to the Australian Shepherd is deeply rooted in my years of growing up and enjoying herding breeds from a German Shepherd "Lucy" who was followed by two more German Shepherds, "Sir" and "Duke", as well as an Australian Cattle Dog "Sugar". I enjoyed Shetland Sheepdogs in my teen years on including my introduction to AKC showing in both Conformation and Obedience leading to my discovery and passion for the Australian Shepherd.
My journey with past dogs and present has blessed me with wonderful dogs and amazing friendships.
Competition & Breeding
Many Zerlahn bred dogs have titles in all areas of competition.
While I have trained, and trialed in obedience, and agility on a limited basis, Conformation showing is my main area of interest.
My breeding choices are made according to the AKC and ASCA breed standards with temperament, health, breed type, & movement being carefully considered. I am dedicated to producing Aussies with strong, solid structure and simple, eye-appealing, correct movement from all directions that can be enjoyed as a family pet or versatile competitor with a life expectancy into the mid and even late teens.